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Special report on the occasion of World Cancer Day
According to the World Health Organization, 8.2 million people worldwide die of cancer each year, of which 4 million die prematurely. In Pakistan alone, more than 2 million people died of cancer in the last two years alone. Killed due to.
The treatment of cancer patients, the people around them, the friends and the family card play a very important role. In most cases the patient becomes more sensitive to the disease and during the treatment phase. Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves.
We are discussing some important points on the occasion of this World Cancer Day. There are some simple ways that we can ignore. These are actually very effective ways that can help a cancer patient feel better and help him cope with the situation.
Smile with them
Smiles are very powerful. A cancer patient does not need to smile much in his life. Our smiles mean a lot to them. A smiling face gives her a sense of hope, confidence and encouragement. And that makes them feel connected to the world. We just need to reassure them that we are with them in this crisis.
Empathy helps
There is a fine line between compassion and empathy. We usually feel sorry for the patients. But most patients feel overwhelmed by this feeling.
It's empathy that really helps. You need to see their world through their eyes. We must always remember that every cancer patient is different, just as their emotions are different. No matter how small or small the risk of the disease, it is painful for them.
Make their lives easier
Cancer patients become physically weak, especially during their treatment. Surgery and procedures like chemotherapy can take you to the last drop of life. It becomes so difficult to do the daily chores. Taking her for a checkup, giving her a glass of water, picking up her luggage, every little practical help from
you makes her life easier, makes her feel good and reassures her that she is in this fight. Are not alone
Make their world positive
Be positive and encouraging. A cancer patient cannot tolerate a single negative thought. Positive words like "we will travel together", "we can beat this thing" - coming from you can make a difference in their mindset.
Choose your words wisely
Words are very important in life and some words are very powerful. They keep the patient strong. We need to empathize with them, of course, but first, we need to listen to them and pay close attention to what they have to say.
Your words can be like life and death to them, you will not even realize it and we can cause them pain.
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