15 benefits of goat milk

  High in nutrients: Goat milk is rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and protein that are important for maintaining good health. Easier to digest: Goat milk is easier to digest than cow milk because its fat molecules are smaller and more easily broken down in the digestive system. Good for lactose-intolerant individuals: People who are lactose intolerant can often tolerate goat milk because it contains lower levels of lactose than cow milk. Boosts immunity: Goat milk is a good source of selenium, which is a mineral that helps to boost the immune system. Helps with weight loss: Goat milk is lower in calories than cow milk and can be a good addition to a weight loss diet. Reduces inflammation: Goat milk contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Promotes bone health: Goat milk is a good source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining strong bones. May help lower cholesterol: Some studies suggest that goa...

Health Care : Kidney stones Symptoms, causes and precautions

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Read Latest  Articles about health physical health health care products healthy food healthy diet healthy lifestyle Fitness Nutrition


According to medical experts, about one third of the world's population, especially in Pakistan, suffers from high blood pressure, diabetes and kidney stones. All three of these diseases are at the forefront of kidney damage. People who suffer from these diseases are more likely to have kidney problems, so they should seek medical attention as directed by a physician. Because proper kidney function is very important for a healthy life.


Solid minerals that do not dissolve and accumulate in the kidneys are called 'stones'. This causes obstruction in the excretion of water from the body. These minerals usually contain calcium oxalate but may also contain other compounds. Four types of kidney stones (calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid and cysteine) are very common. Ultrasound and CT scan are recommended to diagnose it. The size of the stone may vary from person to person. It would be surprising to know that its volume can be as big as a golf ball and it can be so small that the stone is excreted through urine. However, if the volume exceeds this, then lithotripsy or surgery may be required.

There are also two methods of surgery (open surgery and endoscopy), in some cases both methods are used. Women and men usually have kidney stones between the ages of 30 and 50. Once a stone is rolled out, there is a chance of it happening again.

Symptoms of stones

The ureter is a tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Each kidney has a ureter attached to it. The upper half is in the abdomen and the lower half is in the pelvic. Kidney stones are not detected until they enter the ureter. Prolonged exposure to stones can lead to many complications, including blockage of the bladder. Common symptoms of kidney stones include burning sensation in the urine, nausea and vomiting, pus or white blood cells in the urine, fever or chills due to infection, bleeding in the urine, severe pain in the kidneys or groin, urination. Falling and stopping are at the top of the list.

Causes of Kidney Stones

There are many possible causes for gallstones, such as low water intake, high protein foods and excessive salt intake. However, the biggest cause of kidney stones is drinking less water. With less water, uric acid does not become thinner and urine becomes more acidic. If this acidity increases then the chances of stones are increased. People who drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day have a much lower risk of developing kidney stones. According to medical experts, long-term calcium and vitamin D supplements and some other medications, such as migraines and epilepsy, can cause kidney stones. Other causes include poor diet (high in protein, fat and sodium but low in calcium), obesity, blood pressure, gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel or chronic diarrhea and a sedentary lifestyle. Soft drinks can also cause stones.


If you have kidney stones, you should see a specialist immediately for treatment. However, there are some precautionary and beneficial foods that can prevent gallstones, such as the habit of drinking plenty of water. If the urine is yellow or brown, it is a sign that your body is not getting enough water.

In addition, there are a number of foods that can help keep the disease at bay and get rid of gallstones. The best of these is the bean, which is shaped like a kidney. Boil it for six hours and then filter its water and drink it every two hours.

Beneficial foods

In addition, basil, celery, apple, apple cider vinegar, corn hair, grapes and pomegranate also protect you from kidney stones. Avoiding sour and salty foods such as spinach, wheat bran, strawberries, dried fruits and tea can reduce urinary incontinence due to gallstones. Sugar also produces sour calcium, so it is better for people with kidney stones to avoid using it.

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